Friday, 26 January 2018

Upcoming Videos & Chit-Chat

Hi guys

Just popping in to say that as I got sooo far behind with uploading all of my 2017 Halloween and Christmas videos (yes you heard right lol) I will be getting that done over the next few days or so. So, be sure to head over to my YouTube channel to check them out. Maybe it will be the motivation you need for this year LOL! The reason I decided to put them up, even though it's much later than originally planned, is because this year I will have new ideas and product to play with and inspire you, hopefully with some fun techniques too!

I hope too that today finds you well. I have taken today off as a personal/duvet day as sometimes life becomes a little too overwhelming and we need to take a step back and just breathe. I seem to do this quite a lot lately but I don't see the harm in doing this regardless of your circumstances. We all need a time out from the hustle and bustle of everyday things, some of which are harder to overcome or deal with. Having some time to reflect on what's important, what means more to you and what makes you happy is something I am striving to do this year and going forward. I think that sometimes we get lost in everyday bitterness and it just sucks you in. Before you know it, the overwhelming feeling you thought you had under control is back to haunt you. Now I understand that there may be some of you who don't have to deal with overwhelm or anxiety and that this may seem a little out there but for those who do, it's a daunting experience and one that we have to live with every single day.

If you follow me on Instagram I have said that I will be sharing a review/my opinions on the Fitbit Blaze soon. I haven't forgotten that and it will be coming up shortly so be sure to check back for that.

Anyway guys, I will see you all in the next post. Have a wonderful day whatever you're doing.



***I am an Amazon Affiliate however links to all products used are made available where possible***

Sunday, 21 January 2018

Follow My Blog With Bloglovin'

Follow my blog with Bloglovin

Hi friends

As you may have seen here's my new site and I'm super excited about it! Although I think I may have gone a little grey trying to figure it all out since it's been so long and so much has changed in the virtual world!

I've been updating all the social media I'm on too so I hope to see you there. This post is all about Bloglovin'. I really don't give it enough credit. It's great and has many wonderful ideas and inspiration that I know we all love.

Inspiration comes in all forms and sometimes you just have to sit back and look out your window to see it. Although today is overcast and it's rained, sleeted, even snowed a little, it's still so stunning and I couldn't be more grateful for such a wonderful view.

So may your day warm your heart and fill you with joy because without that it would be a very sad time and you all know how much sadness there is already in this amazing world we live in.

So keep thinking happy thoughts and I will see you all soon.



Saturday, 20 January 2018

The Journey Begins

Thanks for joining me!
Good company in a journey makes the way seem shorter. — Izaak Walton


Tuesday, 2 January 2018

My First Video Trailer!

Hi Everyone

I'm super excited to get this out to the interweb and share with you all. I watched a fellow YouTuber, Amy, and her suggestion was to use Adobe Spark to make quick videos to post on social media. Her video is fantastic and super easy to follow so please check it out. I gave it a go and voila! I made one in about 5 minutes flat. Can you believe it! I've shared it on my social pages so be sure to check those out but in case you're not on any social media, here it is, my Wicked Cool Video Clip. Pretty darn chuffed with myself :)

One thing I'm learning about all this video editing/making is that you have to fun with it otherwise what's the point. My aim is to make people smile and if I can do that for just one person today, then I've done good :)

Before I go, here are some more inspiring images of art that I created, just for fun :)

Have a wonderful day! See you in the next one!

Love & Hugs


Today I’m sharing this cute card made with Spellbinders 2023 Crafty Advent Calendar. Thanks so much for stopping by! I hope you find inspi...